Monday, November 3, 2014

Only If

If I knew you were to come in my life...
I'd have beaded all the roads to thy...

If I knew you were to take my heart....
I'd have put locks on d doors which take you back...

If I'd knew that I'll break your heart..
I'd have never talked to you..

If I knew you won't come back ever...
I'd have never let you go...

If I knew my words will make you sad...
I'd be happy to bore a thousand thousand slashes...
to bring slightest twitch on your lips back...

If I knew you like someone else...
I'd have fought the world to get him back...

If I knew that it would end like this...
Then I'd have never let it started...

Only If I knew its last I'll see you...
I'd have prayed to god for time to freeze...
I'd had never blinked my eye so it would be just you and me....